“Zombie" Tamil Movie Official Teaser
Zombie is an upcoming comedy adventure film produced by Vasanth Mahalingam and V. Muthukumar under their production banner S3 Pictures. The film is written and directed by Bhuvan Nullan. Yogi Babu and Yashika Aannand are in the lead roles. Manobala, Gopi, Sudhakar and Anbu Dasan will be acting in important roles.
Watch “Zombie" Tamil Movie Official Teaser 2019.
S3 Pictures
Vasanth M , V. Muthukumar Proudly Presents
Cast : Yogi Babu , Yashika Aannand , Gopi Sudhakar , T M Karthik , Black Sheep Anbu
Written & Directed by : Bhuvan Nullan R
Director of Photography : Vishnu Shri k.S
Music Director : "Isai Katteri Premgi "
Editor : Dinesh Ponraj
Stunts : Om Prakash
Art Director : S.Kannan
Visual Effects Producer : Arun
Lyricists : Ku.Karthik
Choreography : SivaRockShankar
Makeup : Maari
DI : Igene
Colorist : G.Balaji
Sound Design : Hymn Studio
Sound Mixer : M.R.Rajakrishnan
Stills : G. Anand Kumar
Publicity Designer : Madstrokes Thiyagu
Costume Design : Ravi Devaraj
Production Managers : G.R.Kathiravan
Executive Producer : Sanjeev Prabhu , Balasubramaniam
Co- Producer : Bala Anbu
Producer : Vasanth M , V. Muthukumar
PRO : Johnson
Digital Creatives & Promotions : N.S.Jegadeesan ( Digitally )
Audio Label : Lahari Music
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